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Macclesfield Bushcare Group
The purpose of the Macclesfield Bushcare Group is to protect, conserve and restore indigenous vegetation and fauna habitat in the Macclesfield area and encourage community involvement in these activities.
The group can provide advice on growing seedlings, controlling weeds and information on how to create a native garden.
Macclesfield is fortunate to have retained patches of existing bush in an area where over 90% of the pre-European vegetation has been cleared. However, the extent of clearance means that remnant vegetation is invaded with exotic weeds and many of our bird and fauna species are in decline.
The Bushcare group is involved in caring for the areas of the remnant vegetation in the Council reserves in Macclesfield. This involves careful weed control using minimal disturbance weed control methods in areas of high biodiversity, and in planting local indigenous species in areas that are more highly degraded. It is pleasing to see these areas improving over time and providing improved habitat for local fauna.
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